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What is the scope of use of hydraulic vibratory plate compactors?

updatetime:2022-08-30 13:52:24    pageviews:345views

Hydraulic vibratory rammer display

Hydraulic vibratory plate compactor is mainly used for road subgrade compaction such as bridge and culvert backs, old and new road junctions, road shoulders, side slopes, embankment and slope compaction, industrial building foundation compaction, building foundation pits, trenches and backfill compaction, concrete pavement repair compaction , and can also be used for pulling piles and breaking when necessary. In the field of municipal engineering, it can be used for road expansion and reconstruction, repair and maintenance, pipeline trench and backfill treatment, pipe side and wellhead treatment, etc., and can prevent and eliminate local exploration and settlement and other diseases.

Hydraulic vibratory rammer installed on excavator

Jinan, Shandong is only about 90 kilometers away from the Hengda Hangshen hydraulic vibratory plate compactor manufacturer, and it can be dispatched in the morning and arrive in the afternoon. Customers from Jinan, Shandong came to the factory to visit and inspect, and confirmed the purchase model. According to the requirements of the construction site, they chose the VC6D hydraulic vibration plate compactor and used it with the Longgong LG4 ton small excavator. During the factory visit and inspection, the customer also Many technical problems have been raised, and Evergrande Hangshen manufacturers have also made improvements according to customer requirements.Hydraulic vibratory rammer installed on excavator

VC6D hydraulic vibration plate compactor has an exciting force of 64KN, a rotational speed of 2700r/min, a machine mass of 420kg, a standard compaction plate size of 1.0*0.6m, and can be equipped with pile furniture HD16TU, suitable for 4~9 tons of excavators. In addition to the production of VC-D hydraulic vibration plate compactors, Evergrande Ramshen also produces VC-S hydraulic vibration compactors. The excitation force of VC-D hydraulic vibration compactors ranges from 60 to 600KN. In addition to electric and gasoline vibratory plate compactors, there are also large amplitude, high impact compaction efficiency, large filling thickness, and compaction degree that can meet the requirements of high-grade foundations such as highways. Large-scale high-speed hydraulic vibratory compactors can be used together with vibratory rollers to deal with rolling blind areas and weak rolling areas. Small hydraulic vibratory plate compactors are mainly used in municipal facilities and civil buildings. If you also need to consult or purchase hydraulic vibratory plate compactor, you can call 17806385656, or visit the factory.